20 JULY | Thursday
Pablo Márquez, clavichord & harpsichord
19:30h Gothic Hall
21 JULY | Friday
Fringe EMM
12:30 Theater
Capella de Ministrers
Sibila 22:30 Archpriest Church Apostles Gate Candlelight Concert
Brigitte Lesne
La lírica románica19:30h St John Church
22 JULY | Saturday
19:30 Pla de l’Estudi Square
Capella de Ministrers
Carles Magraner
La carn vol carn 22:30 Archpriest Church Apostles Gate. Candlelight concert
23 JULY | Sunday
Atsuko Takano, Turull organ
Die spanischen Trompeten 13:00 Archpriest Church
Eliseo Parra
La necesidad de cantar 17:30 Gothic Hall
Acadèmia CdM
Terpsichore y las musas de Aonia 19:30 St John Church
22:30 Garden of Poets
24 JULY | Monday
Capella de MinistrersCarles Magraner
Sixena 19:30 St John Church
25 JULY | Tuesday
Oriente & Occidente
Cantos a la mar 19:30 St John Church
26 JULY | Wednesday
EMM Choir Marco García de Paz
Devotion to Our Lady 19:30 St John Church
Pino de Vittorio Toni Aparisi
Il mondo delle done 22:30 Theater
27 JULY | Thursday
Bassa Capella
12:00 Theater
La dansa de la mort
19:30 St. Francis Convent