Brigitte Lesne
Brigitte Lesne: voz, arpa, rota, sinfonía, percusión
La lírica románica (siglos XII y XIII): espejo de la mujer (Romance Lyrics (12th and 13th centuries): Mirror of Women
Fryday, 21 July 2023.
19:30 St John Church
From the “País de Oïl” (northern France) to Iberian lands, women sang about their love, devotion, melancholy, suffering, joys, and dreams; an invitation to travel with the songs of troubadours (in the langue d’oïl) and trouvères (in the langue d’oc).
The first two compositions of the program, a song to the Virgin and a love song in a woman’s voice, share the same melody that circulated between the ecclesiastical world and that of the troubadours, illustrating the permeability that existed at the time between sacred and profane repertoires: between celestial love and earthly love. They are followed by a series of contrasting love songs that evoke different aspects of the amorous feeling: the indifference of a lady towards the passion of her suitor, desire and mockery as an amorous game between a woman, her friend, and… her jealous husband, and the tenderness of a mother in a Latin lullaby (in which the Virgin addresses her son).
Moving to southern France, the Countess of Dia, the most famous of the trobairitz, laments the knight she loved above all. This lament is followed by two “songs of a friend,” one in the langue d’oc and the other in Galician-Portuguese, attributed to troubadours (the Provençal Raimbaut de Vaqueiras and the Galician Martín Codax), in which a young woman waits by the sea for the return of her beloved. The musical journey concludes with Sephardic songs from the Judeo-Spanish tradition, a fascinating repertoire orally transmitted by the Jewish community from the 15th century to the present day, with deep roots in the medieval world.
Mère au roi puissant – canción a la Virgen, anónima
Amors qui souprent – canción, anónima
Margot, Margot, greif sunt li mau d’amer – canción, anónima
Amereis mi vous – rondeau, anónimo
Vous arez la druerie, amis – rondeau, anónimo
Fi, mari de votre amour – rondeau y motete, Adam de la Halle
Souvent souspire mon cuer plain d’ire – canción, anónima
Onques n’amai tant com je fui amée – motete anónimo, instrumental
Dormi, fili, dormi – nana de la Virgen, anónima
Por coi me bat mes maris ? – canción de malmaridada, anónima
Soufrés maris et si ne vous anuit, demain m’ares – rondeau, anónimo
Oi, altas ondas que venetz sus la mar – canción de amigo, Raimbaut de Vaqueiras / versus aquitano
Mandad’ei comigo – cantiga de amigo, Martin Codax [instrumental]
Caminí por altas torres – canto sefardi, anónimo
Estat ai en greu cossirier – canción, comtesse de Die / versus aquitano
Scalerica de oro – canto de boda sefardi, anónimo
Scalerica de oro – Sephardic wedding song, anonymous
CONCEPTION: Brigitte Lesne / PRODUCTION: Alla francesca Discantus / Centre de musique médiévale de Paris