EMM Choir
Marco García de Paz

Students concert
Passione & Tenebrae
Tomás Luis de Victoria: Officium Hebdomae Sanctae

Wednesday, July 24
19:30 St. John Church

Free entry until full capacity


The pieces that make up Tomás Luis de Victoria’s “Officium Hebdomadae Sanctae,” which saw the light in Rome in 1585, approach perfection within the polyphonic context of the time: in all of them, one can distinguish a correct adaptation of text and music, clarity in the melodic lines, careful sketches of homophony perfectly combined with polyphonic passages, and magnificently treated dissonances that create unparalleled atmospheres of tension, along with elaborate and clean counterpoint. It is a work perfectly adapted to the strictest liturgical context and fully responds to the solemnity of the moment in which it was to be performed.


Tomás Luis de Victoria: Officium Hebdomadae Sanctae

Dominica in Ramis Palmarum
Feria Quinta in Cena Domini
Lectio Prima, Lectio Secunda, Lectio Tertia
Feria Sexta in Passione Domini
Sabbato Sancto

EMM24 Choir
Marco Antonio García de Paz